Monday, April 12, 2021

My lino cut-2

Hello friend, welcome to my [lino cut] part- 2. Thankfully,i finished my lino cut work. So, now...

 I'm going to share that ones story with you..

At first, my logo was looked like the up one !!! how we saw the writing letters different in the mirror.

But, when i finished my lino cutting and paint the non cutting part of my lino and put in a white paper ...

 it's start looking like that. Well. Because, I'm  not a professional logo printer my logo print quite good. Because, the lines aren't so good,lot's of chatter and etc. That's are my all negative sides about the logo and the positive sides are my logo is fully about me.I  used letter mark,my names first letter's. 
But i like my logo because there is a balance between light and dark. read my blog i will try to make my other blog’s more funful and better

Please if you like it you can leave a comment if you want.


for you guys,nirob 

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