Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Milk plastic


Aim: make milk into plastic.

Here is a video link to understand the full work.Copy the link and 

search it.


  1. Milk (1 cup)
  2. White vinegar (4 teaspoons)
  3. Measuring cup
  4. Measuring spoons
  5. Optional: Thermos
  6. Mug or other heat-resistant cup large enough to hold at least 1 cup of milk
  7. Paper towels
  8. Spoon
  9. Optional: Cookie cutters, glitter, food coloring, markers
  10. Stovetop oven and pan or microwave and microwaveable container 


 At first, Heat 1 cup of milk in a pan or stovetop until the milk is can microwave the milk in a   microwaveable container by warming it at 50% power for 5 minutes.Add 4 teaspoons (tsp.) of white vinegar to a mug or other heat-resistant cup.Add the 1 cup of hot milk to the mug. You should see the milk form white clumps.

Mix the mug slowly with a spoon for a few seconds.Stack four layers of paper towels on a hard surface that is safe to get damp.
Once the milk and vinegar mixture has cooled a bit, use a spoon to scoop out the curds. You can do this by tilting the spoon against the inside of the mug to let excess liquid drain out while retaining the curds in the spoon. Collect as many curds as you can in this way and put them on top of the paper towel stack.Fold the edges of the paper towel stack over the curds and press down on them to absorb excess liquid from the curds. Use extra paper towels if needed to soak up the rest of the extra liquid.
Knead all of the curds together in a ball of dough. This is the casein plastic.If you want to make the casein plastic into something, you can color, shape, or mold it now (within an hour of making the plastic dough) and leave it to dry on paper towels for at least 48 hours. Once it has dried, the casein plastic will be hard. Tip: To shape the plastic, the dough must be kneaded well. Molds and cookie cutters work well, or, with more patience, the dough can be sculpted. Food coloring, glitter, or other decorative bits can be added to the wet casein plastic dough, and dried casein plastic can be painted or colored with markers.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Hands on fire

Hands on Fire! 

 Hello today i'm sharing my post about science and it's about safely lighting our/my hands on fire.


To safely light my hands on fire.

Here are four ways to do this safely.

1. Safety Goggles to make sure the fire doesn't go in your eyes if it goes wrong.

2. Always have a fire extinguisher on site just in case if someone goes on fire.

3. Tie back hair you have long hair because you don't want your hands on fire.

4. Listen to the teacher at all times to make sure you know what your doing.


1. Detergent
2. Lighter
3. Safety Glasses
4. Gas
5. Tray
6. Hose


1. Collect your equipment.
2. Put some water into the tray.
3. Squirt some detergent into the water. 4. Put on your safety glasses. 5. Tie up any long hair. 6. Take off any jewelry. 7. Wet your hands, wrists and arms. 8. Bubble the gas into the water. 9. Scoop the bubbles but not in the water. 10. Hold the bubbles in front of your face with your arms locked. Thanks.Thanks for reading that.I hope you will like that.


  Hello everyone today i'm doing a post about Fizzy Drinks and Mentos.  Our aim is to see which fizzy drink  reacts the most to the mentos.

Aim: To see which fizzy drink reacts the most with Mentos lollies.

Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the cola is going to getting the biggest foam. We are using 100ml of liquid coke and other, Ruler and a Beaker. 


Mixture                                                   Height of reaction in cm = 1 cm


2.Sparking Duet.


4.100 ml liquid (coke or oher drink)




1. Collected and set up the ruler.

2.Got the first liquid and put 100ml in the baker.

3.Put mentos into the liquid.

4. Measured the height of the fizz.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 with the second and third liquids.

Here is what/how i did did.

                                                                          50 ml high
                                                                          1 cm high
                                                                          0 ml high

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Rainbow paper

  Hello everyone today i'm doing a post about Rainbow paper.

Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.

Definition:  Chromatography. is a method of separate out materials from a mixture using a liquid.

Materials; process;

1.Boiling tube.

2.Pen paper.


4.Filter paper.


6.Test Tube Stander.




Step 1:Cut up the filter paper in to the strips ready to write on with the felt pens.

Step 2:Rule a line 1 cm from the bottom of the paper strips.

Step 3:Put 8 ml of water into the bottom of the boiling water.

Step 4:Draw two coloured pen dots on the pencil lines.

Step 5: Drop the paper strips into the boiling tube once it is touching the water at the bottom you can crease the top of the paper over.

Step 6:Watch, take 2 photos and observe the chromatography process on your paper.


Capillary Action:

Filter Paper:



What colours changed the most?

How m,any new colours you could see?

Which colour traveled the furthest?

Monday, June 21, 2021


 Hello everyone today i'm doing a post about Fizzy Drinks and Mentos. 

Our aim is to see which fizzy drink reacts the most to the mentos.

 Chromatography is a technique for the separation of a mixture 

by passing it in solution or suspension through a medium in which 

the components move at different rates.

 Aim: To separate the colours from the skittles by using chromatography.



  2. Water.

  3. Petri dish.


Process :

step 1: Get your equipment, set up ready to pour the 50mls of water into the petri dish with the skittles.

step 2: Place the skittles into the petri dish.

step 3: Pour 50mls water gently into the middle of the pond.

step 4: Watch as the water removes the dye from the skittles. See which colour reaches the middles fastest.

step 5: Record your result on the table below.

                                                           "Here is an example"

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Gummy Bear Osmosis

 Gummy Bear Osmosis


I want to find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them into diffrent liquids.


. Two penti dish.

. Marker pen.

. Eloctronic Balance.

.Measuring Cylinder.



1. Get your Equipment.

2. Label petri dishes with dry water,salt water,suger water.

3. Weight the Gummy Bears and Record Their weight on the petri dishes.

4. Add 40ml of the solution into the petri dish.


Weight change

Friday, June 4, 2021

Flooding in christchurch History


Hello, everyone 

Welcome to my blog again!!

Today my story is about the rememberfull flooding in chch.Last week it was flooding a lot and in most of the places.Most of them in downhill places,people got trapped because of the flooding.“Not just that” because of last week's earthquake the situation became more dangerous and tuff.In Ashburton people had gotten in trouble because of the flood and one of the bridges fell down because of the earthquake’s shaking. AVOID TRAVEL as SH1 Hinds River Bridge is CLOSED '' for the flood.In ``CHCH '' canterbury, THe situation was also terrible.   

“Did you know that Hagley Park's road was closed due to 



One of the bridges had fallen down because of the flooding and earthquake in Ashburton.On that week for (Earthquake and Flooding) “!!!!Christchurch has a very big shake in the history!!!!!”.

“Here are some examples of how much flood happened in Christchurch”.

                                   Canterbury floods: More stress for communities already hit by fires, quakes  |

                                     Once-in-a-century' storm finally eases - NZ Herald

                                    One-in-100-year flood swamps Christchurch |

Thank you so much for reading my blog. If you like it!!! Please, please leave a  

comment and a like so i can do better next time.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

3d animals

 Hello guys. welcome to my blog again!!!!!`Today, i will tell you guys about my 3d animals. Here are the animals

I really enjoy to do that thing those 3d animals look like so real. i really like to do that. That's Not take a long time that is why, i love it. You guys also need to try to make this type of things. It's funful

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Hands on Fire


Hello. Welcome to my this blog!!!!! Today i will share with you guys what what i learned 

this week.Let's start.......



To safety light my hands on fire.

Here, are the 4 way of doing that (Hands on fire) safely

1. When you will go to do that! you must wear glasses or goggles.

2.You must tie your hair back if you have long hair.

3.Use extinguisher.

4.Listen to the teacher's instruction.


1. Detergent.


3.Safety glasses.





1. Collect your equipment.

2. Put some water into the tray.

3. Squirt some detergent into the water.

4.  Put on your safety glasses.
5. Tie up your hair at the back, if you have.
6. Take off any jewellery.

7. Wet your hands, wrists and arms.
8. Bubble the gas into the water.

9. Soop the bubbles but not the water.

10. Hold the bubbles in front of your face with your arms locked. read my blog i will try to make my other blog’s more funful and better

Please if you like it you can leave a comment if you want.


for you guys,nirob .