Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Rainbow paper

  Hello everyone today i'm doing a post about Rainbow paper.

Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.

Definition:  Chromatography. is a method of separate out materials from a mixture using a liquid.

Materials; process;

1.Boiling tube.

2.Pen paper.


4.Filter paper.


6.Test Tube Stander.




Step 1:Cut up the filter paper in to the strips ready to write on with the felt pens.

Step 2:Rule a line 1 cm from the bottom of the paper strips.

Step 3:Put 8 ml of water into the bottom of the boiling water.

Step 4:Draw two coloured pen dots on the pencil lines.

Step 5: Drop the paper strips into the boiling tube once it is touching the water at the bottom you can crease the top of the paper over.

Step 6:Watch, take 2 photos and observe the chromatography process on your paper.


Capillary Action:

Filter Paper:



What colours changed the most?

How m,any new colours you could see?

Which colour traveled the furthest?

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