Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Milk plastic


Aim: make milk into plastic.

Here is a video link to understand the full work.Copy the link and 

search it.


  1. Milk (1 cup)
  2. White vinegar (4 teaspoons)
  3. Measuring cup
  4. Measuring spoons
  5. Optional: Thermos
  6. Mug or other heat-resistant cup large enough to hold at least 1 cup of milk
  7. Paper towels
  8. Spoon
  9. Optional: Cookie cutters, glitter, food coloring, markers
  10. Stovetop oven and pan or microwave and microwaveable container 


 At first, Heat 1 cup of milk in a pan or stovetop until the milk is can microwave the milk in a   microwaveable container by warming it at 50% power for 5 minutes.Add 4 teaspoons (tsp.) of white vinegar to a mug or other heat-resistant cup.Add the 1 cup of hot milk to the mug. You should see the milk form white clumps.

Mix the mug slowly with a spoon for a few seconds.Stack four layers of paper towels on a hard surface that is safe to get damp.
Once the milk and vinegar mixture has cooled a bit, use a spoon to scoop out the curds. You can do this by tilting the spoon against the inside of the mug to let excess liquid drain out while retaining the curds in the spoon. Collect as many curds as you can in this way and put them on top of the paper towel stack.Fold the edges of the paper towel stack over the curds and press down on them to absorb excess liquid from the curds. Use extra paper towels if needed to soak up the rest of the extra liquid.
Knead all of the curds together in a ball of dough. This is the casein plastic.If you want to make the casein plastic into something, you can color, shape, or mold it now (within an hour of making the plastic dough) and leave it to dry on paper towels for at least 48 hours. Once it has dried, the casein plastic will be hard. Tip: To shape the plastic, the dough must be kneaded well. Molds and cookie cutters work well, or, with more patience, the dough can be sculpted. Food coloring, glitter, or other decorative bits can be added to the wet casein plastic dough, and dried casein plastic can be painted or colored with markers.

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