Thursday, August 5, 2021

Hurumanu math work sheet

Here is my math work in hurumanu class 

.T3 Wk 2

Math Practice Problems One and Two Digit Word Problems.

1. Q: If you have 18 apples and you give 7 to a friend, how many apples do you have left?    A: 9    B: 10       C: 11       D: 12 


 Q: If you drive 45 Kms at night and 30 more during the day, how many Kms have you driven?    A: 30    B: 45    C: 65    D: 75 

 3. Q: If there are 8 monkeys, 5 dogs, and 7 rabbits, how many animals are there? 

              A: 18       B: 20      C: 22       D: 23

 4. Q: If you have $58 and you give $17 to Wendy and $22 to Sarah, how much money do you have left?    A: $19    B: $20    C: $29    D: $30 

5. Q: Levi is 14 years old and his grandfather is 87. How much older is Levi's grandfather than Levi?    A: 63 years    B: 68 years    C: 73 years    D: 77 years 

 6. Q: Alice has 63 comic books. She has 3 times as many as Richard. How many comic books does Richard have?    A: 21    B: 22    C: 31    D: 32 

7. Q: If it takes 9 minutes to run one Km, how long would it take to run 18 Kms? 

A: 142 minutes    B: 150 minutes    C: 155 minutes    D: 162 minutes 

 8. Q: If you have $92 and give $19 to Andres, but Bob gives you $6, how much money do you have left?

         A: $69     B: $79     C: $83     D: $87 

9. Q: A tie costs $24, a coat $32, and a shirt $18, how much would all of the clothes cost together?       A: $73      B: $74      C: $75      D: $76 

 10. Q: If you can paste 2 labels per second, how many labels can you paste in 1 minute?        A: 60      B: 90     C: 120     D: 200 

11. Q: There are 7 days in a week, how many days are there in 13 weeks?

            A: 81     B: 91    C: 101     D: 116 

12. Q: Daren has 22 books. He takes 7 from Tyree and gives 11 to Henry. 

How many books does Daren have left?   A: 12    B: 14    C: 18      D: 23 

 13. Q: There are 26 kids in the classroom. Two go home sick. Half of the kids left are standing, half sitting down. 

How many kids are standing?   A: 10    B: 11    C: 12    D: 13 

 14. Q: You have 55 collectors’ cards. You give 14 cards to Shania for 3 fortnite cards and 2 Ninja cards. How many cards do you have? A: 46    B: 47    C: 48    D: 49 

 15. Q: There are 16 CD's with 9 songs each. How many songs are there on all the CD's?    A: 96      B: 112      C: 124      D: 144 

16. Q: There are 3 outs per inning in a baseball game. There are 9 innings in a game. How many outs in a game overall?      A: 24     B: 27     C: 30     D: 33 

17. Q: You have 70 metres of carpet. It is 100 cm in a metre..

. How many cms of fabric do you have? A: 1000    B: 7000   C: 700     D:70000 

18. Q: You have 14 apples, 6 oranges, 9 peaches, and 7 pears. How many pieces of fruit do you have? A: 36 B: 38 C: 42 D: 46 ------------------------------------- 

19. Q: You have 2 x 50c pieces, 5 dollars, 3x 20c coins, and a dollar. How much money do you have? A: 53 cents      B:  $9.40cents     C: $7.60 cents      D: $7.80 cents 

 20. Q: There are 12 pieces of pizza. If there are 4 people, how many pieces can each person have?      A: 2      B: 3      C: 4      D: 5 

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